Friday, September 19, 2014

Today, I love my life

That's a powerful statement.  I feel like I was living in hell for the last two years, and living in darkness all of the years before that. I have battled crippling depression and anxiety, a bad marriage, career difficulties. My life was hopeless and helpless for a lot of years.

Last September, in the darkest time of my life I turned to the Lord. I held onto him fast while everything fell out from under me. I know for a fact his strength is the only thing that got me through.

He has blessed me 100 times over in this last year.

Financially I was on my own with 4 people living in my house, the Lord blessed me many times with additional funds.  Looking back over the extra money that I had to spend on lawyer fees, a new air conditioner, car repairs .... I can honestly tell you I don't know where the money came from other than the Lord provided for me.

Emotionally I was an island for many years. I didn't want anyone to see or know what was happening inside my home so I kept to myself.  Minimal family contact, almost zero social/friend contact.  I went to work, I came home, I trudged through surviving each day.  The Lord knew I needed support, I needed closeness. He brought my family around me, God bless my family they have been amazing. My relationships with them are so much stronger. I am so thankful that I have them and that I know them as an adult.  The Lord also brought me invaluable friendships.  Strong Christian women to help guide me. These women have been the voice of reason and logic in a crazy time in my life.  They've helped keep me grounded, true and honest. And now in the aftermath they continue to help me grow.

Spiritually I was totally lost.  I knew for years that I needed something.  I needed hope. I kept getting drawn to church but I never really felt like I belonged, like I fit. The Lord lead me to my church. It is just the right fit for me. I have hope in my life, and that is not something to be taken lightly. It gives me spiritual guidance. It gives me knowledge and understanding of God's word and God's promises.

So for today, I love my life.  Today is all that we really have and today is what I will hold on to.

Bless you and this day.