Wednesday, January 21, 2015


Rejuvenated - to restore to a former state; make fresh or new again.

I feel rejuvenated for sure.

Let's see, it's been how many months since my last blog? Life happened.  Work got crazy busy, I got hit with a bought of depression, both seasonal and situational I think. Then the holidays happened.  Then sickness happened. Etc. Etc.

I've picked myself up, dusted myself off, rolled up my sleeves, and now I'm getting down to business.

1) My walk with God.  I'm not proud to say I got lazy. I missed more Sunday's than I made. My prayer time got less and less. I'm pretty sure I even skipped days without praying at all. I wasn't angry or jaded, nothing happened to take me away from the Lord, I was just lazy.

I wish I could say that with the new year brought a new attitude, but it didn't.  I didn't really turn things around until this week.  My church started 21 days of prayer and fasting 2 weeks ago.  Again, still not proud to say, I was not mentally prepared for either part and did not begin to participate until this week.

What I would like to say though is that it's amazing how quickly God and turn around a funk. Sunday I went to church and threw myself all in again.  I made the decision to put God in the center of everything and my attitude turned around instantly. I've woken up at 5 am every morning so that I could get ready before the morning prayer sessions.  I've cooked dinner every night this week and I've remembered to say grace before we ate. I'm sleeping better and waking up happier.

What is amazing to me is that this time last year I was so incredibly lost. I had to lean on God for every ounce of strength I could muster to get through each day.  This year, when asked what miracle I was praying for during this time, I couldn't think of anything for me. I feel like all of my prayers have been answered. I am free from my damaging marriage. I have ample provisions. I'm in good health. My son's behavioral issues have turned a corner. For the time being my depression has lifted. What a difference a year walking with God can make.

I got lazy. I am sorry God. You are worth more than that. You are more important than anything else that comes. I pray that I will keep you in the fore front of everything. Now that I have lived a year of my life with you, I don't ever want to live without you. Life is so much better walking with you than it ever was walking alone.

2) Weight. I am happy to say that even though I got lazy I did not put any weight back on ... well after Christmas I did sneak up there a bit, but I got to my "line in the sand weight" and pumped the breaks.  See, I have a weight that once I am under it I refuse to go over it again, currently it is 155. I get on the scale every day, if I am at that weight then it is time for clean/healthy food ONLY. No cheating, no treats, no sneaks until I am a few pounds under that weight again.  Now that line in the sand moves as I lose weight.  It wasn't all that long ago that that line in the sand was 200 pounds. By the end of this year I hope that line in the sand will be 150 pounds, which means my average daily weight will be 147 or so.

3) Exercise. It is amazing to me that it was this time last year I started Couch to 5K and I could barely run for 30 seconds at a time (and when I say run I mean a very slow jog) and now my average run is 30 minutes. 

I have some nice goals set for 2015:
     a) Run a 5K each month
     b) Run a 10K at the end of the year
     c) Get my average speed to 10min/mile (currently at 13min/mile)
     d) Go 200 miles (run, walk, hike). In 2014 I went approximately 100, so I figured I would double it for this year.
     e) And finally, I want to be able to wear a bathing suit without a skirt this summer ... this means I want the jiggle wiggles gone by June.

I think these are all very do-able, but I will have to stay on track and stay focused.

I look forward to continuing to share my journey. I'm going to try to be more steady in my posting and not disappear for months at a time.

Looking forward to all 2015 has to offer. I am rejuvenated,  thanks be to God.