Monday, August 4, 2014

Inspirational song of the week 8.3.14

Let it Be Jesus
by: Passion

I heard this song for the first time in church yesterday and I knew it was my song for this week. It resonated in two ways with me.

1) God I breathe Your name above everything. Let it be, Let it be Jesus

I've struggled with depression and anxiety for my entire adult life.  Through the grace of God I have found the only coping mechanism that has ever worked .... Jesus.  When I was letting my dark thoughts take over a friend told me "His name is above all others, just say His name over and over and it will push the enemy out." So that is what I do. When my anxiety ramps up I close my eyes and bow my head and say "Jesus" over and over and over until my heart slows down and my breathing comes back to normal and my head calms down.  When the dark and negative thoughts enter my head I do the same thing and I feel uplifted, I see the hope and peace that is in my life because of Jesus Christ. The enemy has no power over my mind when I have Jesus there.

2) Should I ever be surrounded by the fire and the flame There's a name I will remember. There's a name I will proclaim. Let it be, Let it be Jesus

Over the last year I've found myself surrounded by that fire and flame several times.  I've hit my knees in a moment of desperation more than once. I can honestly say that EVERYTIME God has answered my prayers. He has given me the strength and the courage to overcome and see it through to the end.

The lyrics

Let it be Jesus
The first name that I call
Let it be Jesus
My song inside the storm
I'll never need another
For me, to live is Christ
For me, to live is Christ
God I breathe Your name above everything
Let it be, Let it be Jesus
Let it be Jesus
From the rising of the sun
Let it be Jesus
When all is said and done
I'll never need another, Jesus there's no other
For me, to live is Christ
For me, to live is Christ
God I breathe Your name above everything
Let it be, Let it be Jesus
Should I ever be abandoned
Should I ever be acclaimed
Should I ever be surrounded by the fire and the flame There's a name I will remember
There's a name I will proclaim
Let it be, Let it be Jesus
For me, to live is Christ
For me, to live is Christ
God I breathe Your name above everything
Let it be, Let it be Jesus

Read more: Passion - Let It Be Jesus Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

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